Showing 136–144 of 189 results

Eczema – Psoriasis

From: $14.00
This combination of herbs helps the body with Eczema - Psoriasis - is an inflammatory skin condition that causes itchiness, dry skin, rashes, scaly patches, blisters, and skin infections. Itchy skin is the most common symptom of Eczema - Psoriasis. The herbs will also help maintain healthy and hydrated skin.

Bacterial Infection – WIP

This blend was built to help remove a Bacterial Infection in your body - an all-natural Anti-Biotic.

Nerve Bone Cartilage Regeneration ~ WIP

From: $43.00
This blend was built to help assist your body to rebuild your nerves, cartilage and bones.  We work on helping the nerves regenerate.  The human body can regenerate your nerves up to 1mm a month, so this blend was built to help with neuropathy and nerve regeneration.  We are also working on regenerating the cartilage in between the joints.


From: $16.00
This tea will help was developed to help with the chronic inflammation and irritation of the digestive tract.  This blend will sooth and comfort the system. 

Bug Bite and Burn Roll-On

What a great option for a natural healing option for your bites and burns!  Safe on Children!


This blend was built to help your Gallbladder function more efficiently.  It can potentially help to dissolve gallstones, increase production of bile, overall cleansing and better overall function. 

Circulation ~ Raynaud’s – WIP

From: $50.00
This blend was built to help build back your circulation into your lower extremities!

Steep Me Pickle Based RTD Blends Sampler

This is an amazing little pickle juice powerhouse.  Use it for your muscle cramps.....delayed onset muscle soreness and sour tummies.  Instant satisfaction!  (headaches and menstrual cramps have also been helped)

PMS Capsules

Great combo for those pesky PMS issues that start to rear their ugly head prior to menstruation...Yeah..your hubby's will be happy!