Tea and Health

How to choose the best delivery method for my Steep Me Self Help Tea Blend?

Tea Leaves



Question:  I want to choose something for my Ailment – How do I Pick which delivery method is right for me when it comes in Tea Leaves, Capsule or a Tincture?…

Answer:  There are many transportation methods for getting the self help herbs and the results you are looking for.

Steep Me roots are in an old fashioned long hot soak to extract the healing goodness from our recipes  As time and years have gone for Steep Me, ingrained in many families and communities’ wellness, we have sought alternative delivery methods.

The second delivery method we sought is a tincture.  We have chosen to use a four times distilled 100 proof Vodka as our incubator.  The Four times distilled eliminates any gluten issues, plus we have just acquired a local distiller, Proof – Fargo, ND who is making us a potato version of 100 proof Vodka.   When manufacturing the tinctures, we have a proprietary hot bath method transitioning to the alcohol where we have a 60 day period start to finish. Some say there is no need for such a long extraction process, but the tinctures are very effective and we stick by what works for us.  The benefit to this delivery method is convenience of usage, anywhere, anytime and dosage can be easily manipulated based on a given day and moment’s demands.

Next delivery method Steep Me has been working on is encapsulating.  WE have chosen a 00 size capsule that is fully vean, giving us a packed amount of about ⅛ tsp per capsule.  Here we are still learning how potency changes from the steeped beverage to the alcohol extraction to the encapsulation, where this is the only one that nourishes your body with the whole of the raw product.  Benefits here are again convenience and easily negotiable dosing, however for some people the added benefit of not tasting the herbs helps the steep me recipes become a way for them to experience natural healing

In closing, not every tea can or at least should be made into a tincture or a capsule.  Though having convenience is desired, and the “magic” pill is sought after, sometimes you just gotta go old school.  Slow steeping a tea has many benefits including giving your body something warm (a huge benefit), it hydrates (a Benefit), helps with satiety (a benefit), provides a healing and /or protective coating (A Benefit) and you have invested time into yourself for personal care (a benefit) because you can not be good for others if no good to yourself.





Find all these great products on our site –

Steep Me Insomnia Capsules

Steep Me Insomnia Tincture

Steep Me Insomnia Self Help Tea

Steep Me VitaliTea Capsules

Steep Me VitaliTEA Self Help Tea

Steep Me Boost-T Capsules

Steep Me Boost-T Tincture

Steep Me Boost-T Self Help Tea

Steep Me Cancer Fighter Capsules

Steep Me Cancer Fighter Tincture

Steep Me Cancer Fighter Self Help Tea


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