Blender’s Notes Lyme Disease – WIP:
Steep Me Self Help Tea combinations are a great way to get health benefits outside of the standard tea leaf. The blends in our Work in Progress section are still in their testing phases…. We would love for you to try the blends and give us feedback on how you felt they were working. All of our teas go thru a thorough testing phase to ensure we are finding success in the combination. Once we have 100 people or more testing the blend and we are starting to see the same results in 60 or more of the testers…these blends will move to the Self-Help section.
This blend is meant to help with side effects that can be common with a diagnosis of Lyme Disease and removal of the bacterial causing issues. We know that deer ticks transmit Lyme disease. The ticks that spread Lyme disease have increased their geographical spread. It is now reported that these ticks are found in around half of the counties in forty-three out of the fifty states. The spirochete bacteria cause this debilitating disease. One of the reasons that Lyme disease is not reported enough is because the symptoms of the disease are often like many other types of ailments. This makes it exceedingly difficult to diagnose. Lyme disease is often divided into three categories, which are acute, early disseminated, and late disseminated. However, the progression of the disease varies by individual and not everyone who has the disease will go through each stage. A person with Lyme may react to the disease in different ways. Some of the most basic symptoms can include rash, fatigue, joint pain, headaches, fever, brain fog, mood changes and other neurological concerns. The goal of this tea is to help break down the initial bacteria that is the basis of Lyme disease and help ease symptoms.
The first herb that has been included in Cat’s Claw. Cat’s Claw is a plant native to the Amazon rainforest. In studies it has demonstrated that cat’s claw can inhibit the growth of the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. It has been shown to reduce Lyme disease symptoms and eliminate the Lyme infection from the body. The active alkaloid constituents of the inner bark of cat’s claw help to support the body’s immune system. Cat’s claw is an immunomodulator, meaning it helps to balance either an over- or under-active immune system, both of which can be a problem for people with Lyme disease. They either have an immune system that is going crazy trying to find and destroy invaders, or it can be tricked into ignoring Lyme parasites completely. Next is Peppermint which is good for relieving pain and helping with any indigestion or nausea. It is cooling and anti-inflammatory and is good for any gut issues. Yarrow Root helps with all kinds of blood issues, and it can purify the blood, boost the immune system, and increase circulation. Yarrow is good for anyone with a cold. Yarrow is also antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and diaphoretic (helps you sweat). This makes yarrow a fantastic herb for chronic Lyme disease treatment, as it helps the body fight off Lyme parasites and get rid of the pathogens. Marshmallow Root is a great herb for many different maladies. It can help with a dry cough and irritated throat, skin care, and heart health and marshmallow root are a good choice because it is an antioxidant that helps to protect the body, and it can help to heal the lining of the gut. Leaky gut and indigestion are a problem that a lot of people with Lyme have, and using herbs to support gut healing is a major way you can aid the body so that it has more energy to put towards healing from Lyme disease. Marshmallow root is sweet, cooling, and moistening. It is also a slight diuretic (just like dandelion!), and it helps cling to and rid the body of waste, as well as working to reduce inflammation and pain.
Ashwagandha is a balancing adaptogenic herb that helps with the anxiety that many people with chronic Lyme experience. It is also a mood-booster! Black Walnut is an herb that has been shown to have antimicrobial properties against Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme Disease). Nettles are good for replenishing minerals, as many sufferers are deficient in crucial minerals. If you are looking for Lyme disease nutritional supplements, stinging nettle is a great herb to add to your diet. Wormwood has been shown to reduce short-term memory impairment and is a potent anti-parasitic which is common with this disease. Next, we added Rosehips to help boost the immune system and strengthen the body’s defense systems. Skullcap is a common medicinal plant used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been found that skullcap has strong anti-microbial activity and the ability to stop the growth of the bacteria that causes Lyme disease and main compounds, baicalein, is an effective anti-microbial agent and can inhibit the progression of the Lyme disease bacteria. And finally, we added Pau D’Arco because is used to fight against numerous issues faced by people with Lyme disease. Pau D’Arco is antimicrobial and antiparasitic, so it can help strengthen the body to rid itself of Lyme parasites such as Bartonella. It is also antifungal, so it can help with candida, or yeast overgrowth in the gut. This is a problem many people with Lyme have since their normal gut balance is usually off because of Lyme. This herb also reduces pain from joint issues and symptoms of arthritis which is very prevalent.
This is an overly complex tea and can be unpleasant to stick with. When we remove the bacteria from your system it can feel like you are getting sicker. The best plan is to stick to it, and you will start to feel much better and rid the body of the bacteria for good.
NOTE: “This/these claim(s) has/have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”
Features Lyme Disease – WIP:
- Leaves can be infused all day! (They will not get bitter)
- Lots of individual flavor based on the ingredients.
- All Wildcrafted Herbs
- All Organic where Wildcrafted is not available.
- Full of natural antioxidants and Very Hydrating
- Sample Size ~ 1 oz will make 8-10 ~16 oz teas.
- Iced Tea ~ Always Double the amount of Tea for the same size cup!
- Per Serving ~ 1 tsp per 6 oz of H2O
- Recommend 3 tsp Per Day – resteep leaves 2-3 times.
- Caffeine: None
Ingredients: Steep Me Proprietary Organic and Wildcrafted Blend of Cat’s Claw, Peppermint Leaf, Yarrow Flowers, Marshmallow Root, Ashwagandha Root, Black Walnut, Stinging Nettles, Rosehips, Skullcap, and Pau D’Arco.
Alternatively, try our Bacterial Infection Phyto~Nutrition Tea OR Candida Phyto~Nutrition Tea OR Parasite Phyto~Nutrition Capsules OR Wellness Phyto~Nutrition Tea
NOTE: “This/these claim(s) has/have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”
Not Safe for Pregnancy
Not Safe for Breastfeeding
Great article on how herbs can help with Lyme Disease. Natural Treatment for Lyme Disease (