Showing 208–216 of 225 results


From: $12.00
This is one of the newest Oolongs we have blended for the menu...we wanted a great fruity oolong but wanted to add some floral additions and fennel to really bring out the uniqueness of the Oolong leaf...perfect tea if you want to try something new!


From: $12.00
This fantastic tasting Ti Kuan Yin Oolong with Peach is a great place to start if you are new to smooth and rich with the hint of Peach...yummy!

Creamy Milk Oolong (Jin Xuan) Tea

From: $12.00
Milk Oolong Tea is a light yellowish cup of tea with milky sweet aroma and smooth and sweet lingering taste. It is a very special hand processed tea from Taiwan produced from tea leaves at certain time, temperature, altitude, soil conditions to get the milky silky texture. Our Milk Oolong Tea is naturally processed and not scented.  Try it is amazing!

Formosa Green Dragon

From: $18.00
Taiwanese Oolong Tea with deep notes of Raisin and Ripe Fruit.

Throat Therapy

From: $15.00
Best blend we have to sooth your sore throat!  It is great added to our Kick Ur Kold!

Headache Kicker

From: $17.00
Looking for a great alternative for the occasional headache or migraine - having a warm tea can sometimes make the difference.  The herbs in this blend can help with some of the symptoms.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

From: $15.00
Looking for a great help to your Irritable Bowel Syndrome to slow down your going...this is a great blend that has been with us since 2008 to help with all your IBS concerns.


From: $14.00
Great blend of teas and herbs to help combat the symptoms of a slow thyroid.

Happy Belly

From: $13.00
This is a great tea if you need to get going....this stimulant based blend will get the "poo" to "GO"!