Showing 1–9 of 188 results

Fungal Infection ~ Mold Toxicity – WIP

From: $14.00
The blend was built to help with both mold toxicity exposure and fungal infections.


From: $10.00
In this blend we added Carmel Bits and Marigold Flowers to make a rich and creamy and caramelly mate

Anxious Brain Capsules

This tea was built to help with racing thoughts in the mind when the body feels relaxed - the list process - the overthinking of a task - the dark thoughts of what is to come or what happened in the past. This is different than our Anxiety in that this tea only addresses the mental aspects, where the Anxiety also address the physical aspects tied to this ailment.

Autonomic Nervous System ~ WIP

From: $18.00
This blend is meant to help with the healing of the Autonomic Nervous System (NAS).  The autonomic nervous system is a complex network of cells that controls the body’s internal state. It regulates and supports many different processes, often outside of a person’s conscious awareness. The nervous system is a collection of cells that send and receive electrical and chemical signals throughout the body.

Prolactin Reduction ~ Hyperprolactinemia ~ WIP

This blend is meant to help with the over production of Prolactin or Hyperprolactinemia for women and men.

Progesterone Reduction ~ WIP

From: $16.00
This blend is meant to help with high levels of Progesterone and to naturally reduce them and become more balanced. Progesterone is a female sex hormone that regulates the reproductive system.

Brain Health ~ Stroke Recovery – WIP

From: $15.00
This blend is meant to help with the recovery involved when a stroke occurs - which is when blood circulation to the brain is halted. This lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain can cause brain cells to die.  Many of these problems respond well to an integrative approach with targeted nutrients and herbs can help with post-stroke management.

Pepper Lover’s Chai

From: $12.00
Looking for a little bit of heat with your Spiced Tea!  This blend is amazing with its freeze-dried peppers and variety of peppercorns!  Enough heat to warm up your tummy!

Masala Chai

From: $15.00
Bringing together all the authentic tastes of Spiced Tea following a very old school recipe!