Showing 25–48 of 65 results


This blend was built to help your Gallbladder function more efficiently.  It can potentially help to dissolve gallstones, increase production of bile, overall cleansing and better overall function. 

Anxious Brain Capsules

This tea was built to help with racing thoughts in the mind when the body feels relaxed - the list process - the overthinking of a task - the dark thoughts of what is to come or what happened in the past. This is different than our Anxiety in that this tea only addresses the mental aspects, where the Anxiety also address the physical aspects tied to this ailment.

Pain Management Capsules

A great way to use our great Pain Management Tea - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

Vitali”TEA” Capsules

A great way to use our great VitaliTEA Blend - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

Insomnia Capsules

A great way to use our great Insomnia Tea - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

183.N.R.G High Caffeine

Want an awesome caffeine kick - like a 10 hour energy!  Try the AAA Capsules...Yum!

Nicotine Cessation Capsules

This combination of herbs helps the side effects of quitting nicotine.

Pineal Gland Decalcification

This blend will help the Pineal gland since it plays an essential role in how we sleep, perform, make decisions, and perceive reality

Lymphedema Capsules

These herbs can help promote and improve the function of the lymphatic system. Herbs are a natural and safe way to detoxify your lymphatic system and allow it to function properly. These capsules will help boost the drainage system.

Anxiety Capsules

A great way to use our great Anxiety Tea - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

Headache Kicker Capsules

Great way to get our Headache Kicker in an easy to use form.

Menstrual Cramping Capsules

A great way to use our great Menstrual Cramping Tea - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

Neuropathy Capsules

A great way to get the nourishment your nerves need in an easy to use capsule.

Libido Health Capsules

Great combo of herbs to increase the libido of the human body for both Women and Men!

Adrenal Insufficiency ~ Fatigue Capsules

A great way to use our Adrenal Insufficiency ~ Fatigue Blend - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

Fertility ~ Man – Capsules

Great combo of herbs to increase the health and wellness of men to help with fertility.

Alzheimer’s Capsules

Looking for a great green tea that helps with great brain health and function!  Great for protection and early onset of Alzheimer's.

VO2 Max/Hypoxemia

This blend was built to help the body with not having the proper gas exchange in your lungs.  The oxygen from the air you’ve breathed in passes from the alveoli into your blood and is then delivered to the cells throughout your body. While this is happening, carbon dioxide leaves your blood and moves into the alveoli, where it will be expelled when you exhale.

AntiDepressant Capsules

A simple and easy way to get a great blend for Depression especially Post Partum in an easy to take capsule.

De-Stressor Capsules

A great way to use our great De-Stressor Tea - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

Muscle Recovery ~ Elasticity ~ Micro-Nutrition

A great way to help speed up your recovery and get you back in the game ASAP!

Fertility ~ Woman ~ Phase 1 Capsules

A great way to use our great Fertility Tea - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – Endometriosis Capsules

This blend will help with reducing the inflammation on the reproductive systems to help heal the effects of PCOS and Endometriosis, focusing on the organs of the reproductive system.

Liver Support ~ Micro-Nutrition

A great Vitamin and Mineral option to help you get the best detox and functionality for your Liver.