Showing 19–27 of 63 results

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – Endometriosis Capsules

This blend will help with reducing the inflammation on the reproductive systems to help heal the effects of PCOS and Endometriosis, focusing on the organs of the reproductive system.

Birth Control Detox Capsules

Great blend to help detox off your birth control medication or a relieve heavy flow!

Pineal Gland Decalcification

This blend will help the Pineal gland since it plays an essential role in how we sleep, perform, make decisions, and perceive reality

Milk-In-It Capsules

A great way to use our great our Milk-In-It Blend - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

Headache Kicker Capsules

Great way to get our Headache Kicker in an easy to use form.

Cancer Fighter Capsules

Great way to get our Cancer Fighter Tea in a easy to use option.

183.N.R.G High Caffeine

Want an awesome caffeine kick - like a 10 hour energy!  Try the AAA Capsules...Yum!

Spleen Detox Capsules

Great Detox for the Spleen....along with a health food diet can really make a difference in your body's filtration system.

Fertility ~ Man – Capsules

Great combo of herbs to increase the health and wellness of men to help with fertility.