Showing 25–36 of 69 results

VO2 Max/Hypoxemia

This blend was built to help the body with not having the proper gas exchange in your lungs.  The oxygen from the air you’ve breathed in passes from the alveoli into your blood and is then delivered to the cells throughout your body. While this is happening, carbon dioxide leaves your blood and moves into the alveoli, where it will be expelled when you exhale.

Alzheimer’s Capsules

Looking for a great green tea that helps with great brain health and function!  Great for protection and early onset of Alzheimer's.

Asthma Reliever Capsules

Great blend to help relieve some of the symptoms of Asthma.

Parasite Aid

A quick and easy capsule to help work with your body to remove parasites!  


This blend was built to help your Gallbladder function more efficiently.  It can potentially help to dissolve gallstones, increase production of bile, overall cleansing and better overall function. 

Pineal Gland Decalcification

This blend will help the Pineal gland since it plays an essential role in how we sleep, perform, make decisions, and perceive reality

Circulation ~ Raynaud’s

This blend was built to help build back your circulation into your lower extremities!

PMS Capsules

Great combo for those pesky PMS issues that start to rear their ugly head prior to menstruation...Yeah..your hubby's will be happy!

Spleen Detox Capsules

Great Detox for the Spleen....along with a health food diet can really make a difference in your body's filtration system.

Post Partum Recovery Capsule

Great 14 Day Recovery Supplement for New Moms!

Baby Delivery Aid Capsule

Great way to the help of the Baby Delivery Tea in an easy to take capsule!

Diabetes Capsules

Great way to get our Diabetes Tea in a easy to use option.