Showing 28–36 of 80 results

Dirty Detox

From: $16.00
This is a great combo for an emergency tummy tea...the addition of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are very quick at helping you feel better!

Weight Loss

From: $15.00
Great blend for helping suppress your appetite and losing a bit of weight.


From: $15.00
Kick the heck out of any Virus with this blend to help ease symptoms and remove the Virus!

Birth Control Detox

From: $14.00
Great blend to help detox off your birth control medication or a relieve heavy flow!


From: $17.00
Want an awesome caffeine kick - like a 10 hour energy!  Try the AAA ...Yum!

Prostate Health Tea

From: $17.00
This a great way to get so many prostate health herbs in one tea...tastes great.

Pain Management

From: $16.00
This tea is a great alternative to traditional Aspirin and other Pain management Options.

Feelin’ Good

From: $15.00
Great combo to boost energy all day while getting great recovery herbs for athletic performance or high stress days.

PMS ~ Menstrual Balance

From: $15.00
Wonderful option for all those pesky Premenstrual symptoms - helping with bloat, anxiety, headaches and irritability!