Showing 10–18 of 24 results


From: $17.00
Want an awesome caffeine kick - like a 10 hour energy!  Try the AAA ...Yum!

Prostate Health Tea

From: $17.00
This a great way to get so many prostate health herbs in one tea...tastes great.


From: $18.00
Looking for a great green tea that helps with great brain health and function!  Great for protection and early onset of Alzheimer's.

Menstrual Cramping

From: $17.00
This is a great alternative to OTC for heavy period cramping.  No caffeine!

Cancer Fighter

From: $15.00
Our Cancer Fighter Tea is a great combination of ancient old studies from all countries on the best way to combat Cancer and help prevent it!

Calming Hug

From: $12.00
Our Calming Hug tea is a great alternative to the usual floral or minty evening tea.  The nuts paired with a bit of cinnamon is tasty plus the added benefit of the catnip to calm the mind.

Anxiety Tea

From: $17.00
Our Anxiety Blend is a great options for people already using an Antidepressant.  This works well with that medication plus it really helps with the brain fog and lack of energy that can be a common side effect.  This will help get the focus and productivity back.

Muscle Recovery

From: $18.00
Great option for help your sore and tired muscles recover!

Heartburn Helper

From: $12.00
This is a great option if you suffer from occasional heartburn.  Great tasting tea that can help to sooth any heartburn you may feel.