Showing 46–54 of 77 results

JavaJavyJolt – Mushroom Brew

From: $17.00
Great instant coffee without any fillers or chemicals!

Respiratory Mucus

From: $17.00
Great way to get that stuff out of your lungs!

Dirty Detox

From: $16.00
This is a great combo for an emergency tummy tea...the addition of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are very quick at helping you feel better!

PMS ~ Menstrual Balance

From: $15.00
Wonderful option for all those pesky Premenstrual symptoms - helping with bloat, anxiety, headaches and irritability!  

Skin Care

From: $12.00
Steep Me Skin Care Blend is a great combo of herbs to help with overall hydration and suppleness of the skin.   We recommend drinking a tea daily or every other day to maintain your skin health.

Liver Balance ~ Fatty Liver

From: $13.00
This blend can help the body shed the extra enzymes that the liver has produced due to damage or disease from fatty liver disease, hepatitis, drug and alcohol, metabolic syndrome, or cirrhosis.

Hormone Balance

From: $15.00
This combination of caffeine-free herbs helps with all the body's hormones. Hormones regulate everything in your body, including metabolism, hunger, sleep, growth and development, fertility, libido, sexual health, and mood.

Heart Health

From: $12.00
This is a great way to keep your heart in shape - with our daily drink Heart Health tea...full of great herbs to help with cholesterol and circulation that can be associated with reduced heart health!


From: $14.00
Great blend of teas and herbs to help combat the symptoms of a slow thyroid.