Showing all 8 results

Alcohol – Drug Detox

From: $18.00
The blend was built to help the body detox Alcohol and Drug use and the symptoms that can occur thru detox.


From: $20.00
The blend was built specifically to help built to help with increased and trapped swelling of the body – especially hands, feet, calves, and ankles.

Environmental Immunity

From: $18.00
Great blend for helping suppress your appetite and losing a bit of weight.

Kick Ur Kold Cold and Flu Relief

From: $15.00
Looking to get rid of the CRUD.....the Kick Ur Kold is the best way to get rid of it!  Safe for little for for breastfeeding!

Pancreatic Health

From: $15.00
 The blend was built specifically to help the Pancreases to detox, deliver hormones and ease the symptoms of inflammation or Pancreatitis. Your pancreas, a small organ rarely thought of until it causes problems, is vital for your digestive system as well as the endocrine process.

Respiratory Mucus

From: $17.00
Great way to get that stuff out of your lungs!


From: $15.00
Kick the heck out of any Virus with this blend to help ease symptoms and remove the Virus!

Weight Loss

From: $15.00
Great blend for helping suppress your appetite and losing a bit of weight.