Showing 10–18 of 268 results

Cinnamon Roll

From: $9.00
A great cup of black tea with the hint of caramel...pairs well with our Belgian Chocolate Black Tea...great dessert in a cup!

Limey Love

From: $9.00
A fantastic super tart blend of green tea with lots of Lime Taste!  Yummy and Great as a mixer!


From: $9.00
The perfect blend of Pomegranate and Green Tea!  Bring on your go to summer treat!

Dakota Sunrise

From: $10.00
This tea is a great choice if looking for something more floral over fruity!  The soft rose and raspberry pairs well with the tartness of the Lemon...a great choice!

Peachy Ginger

From: $10.00
A nice and strong-tasting gunpowder green tea with the slightly sweet taste of ginger and peach.

Zhen Mei

From: $10.00
A traditional Tight Rag Rolled Green Tea from China that can be a light cup of tea or it can be long steeped for a stronger more astringent cup of tea.

Ti Kuan Yin

From: $10.00
The Oolong Tea is from China’s Hilltops near many streams that run along the mountain!  It is plucked in the crisp air for super taste and then is semi-oxidized after harvesting to give the great rich Oolong taste this tea is known for!

Belgian Chocolate

From: $10.00
Wonderful Hot Chocolate Tea,  Tastes like the best dessert in your cup!  Pairs well with a bit of Chocolate Almond Milk.

Cinnamon Orange Spice

From: $10.00
If you are looking for a great cinnamon black tea with orange - nice and spicy!