Showing 37–45 of 80 results

Tea-Tox Detox Tea

From: $12.00
This blend is a fantastic detox option.  It Is great as part of a cleanse and can be used in conjunction with a healthy eating plan.  Pairs well with Happy Belly.  Can be used daily!

Heart Health

From: $12.00
This is a great way to keep your heart in shape - with our daily drink Heart Health tea...full of great herbs to help with cholesterol and circulation that can be associated with reduced heart health!

Cup of Ambition

From: $15.00
This combination of tea and herbs will really get you motivated.  Great taste and makes you feel wonderful.


From: $18.00
Looking for a great green tea that helps with great brain health and function!  Great for protection and early onset of Alzheimer's.

Menstrual Cramping

From: $17.00
This is a great alternative to OTC for heavy period cramping.  No caffeine!

Cancer Fighter

From: $15.00
Our Cancer Fighter Tea is a great combination of ancient old studies from all countries on the best way to combat Cancer and help prevent it!

Calming Hug

From: $12.00
Our Calming Hug tea is a great alternative to the usual floral or minty evening tea.  The nuts paired with a bit of cinnamon is tasty plus the added benefit of the catnip to calm the mind.

Bronchial Virus

From: $15.00
Our Bronchial Virus blend is a great way to help get rid of the deep cough and congestion that can lag after being sick!  Great peach taste and very effective!

Asthma Reliever

From: $14.00
Great blend to help relieve some of the symptoms of Asthma.