Showing 154–162 of 225 results

Beach Bellini

From: $13.00
Looking for a great - no caffeinated - tropical blend!  Here is a great choice!

Liver Balance ~ Fatty Liver

From: $13.00
This blend can help the body shed the extra enzymes that the liver has produced due to damage or disease from fatty liver disease, hepatitis, drug and alcohol, metabolic syndrome, or cirrhosis.


From: $13.00
It's the best marriage of all the earl greys and a bit of floral essence to help enhance the Bergamot.  If you love your Earl Grey - this is a great alternative!     

White Strawberry Champagne

From: $13.00
A great flavorful blend of strawberries and lemon and orange with a great white tea!  Tastes just like champagne!

Diabetes Capsules

Great way to get our Diabetes Tea in a easy to use option.

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

From: $13.00
This is the perfect Pina Colada Blend for the Pineapple no caffeine!

Jade Citrus Mint

From: $13.00
A beautiful tight rolled gunpowder green tea with organic spearmint leaves and lots of citrus taste from lemon and orange.


From: $13.00
Looking for a great way to help work through the occasional symptoms of high blood sugar - this is the self help tea for you.

Peppermint Patty

From: $13.00
A great chocolate peppermint treat with the added benefit of several herbs for Fat burning, Weight Loss, Increasing Iron for Energy with the added help of Herbs to help block sugar cravings, rid excess water weight, and recovery