Showing 1–9 of 20 results


From: $17.00
Want an awesome caffeine kick - like a 10 hour energy!  Try the AAA ...Yum!

Almond Joyous

From: $12.00
A great combination of our 3 most popular dark teas....coconut, chocolate and almond....and it tastes like a candy bar......yummy!  Great with a bit of milk.

Blood Thinner ~ Micro-Nutrition

With this blend we are providing a healthy and potent blend of minerals and vitamins for keeping fluidity in the blood system by thinning the blood.

Cancer Fighter

From: $15.00
Our Cancer Fighter Tea is a great combination of ancient old studies from all countries on the best way to combat Cancer and help prevent it!

Chai 2 Mocha U

From: $12.00
This is a great combination of our favorite flavors in chai...we added our Extra Spicy Chai to our in house blended Steep Me Mocha...what do you get...OMG in a cup...just add your own Chocolate Almond Milk and goodness...Fall in a cup....

Diabetes ~ Micro-Nutrition

A great Vitamin and Mineral option to help you balance your blood sugars, overall body circulation and capillary volume!

Dirty Detox

From: $16.00
This is a great combo for an emergency tummy tea...the addition of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are very quick at helping you feel better!

Kidney Support ~ UTI ~ Micro-Nutrition

A wonderful combination of vitamins and minerals to help keep your Kidney's healthy.  Plus, the added bonus of helping with your urinary tract infections!

Lymphatic Cleanse

Our Lymphatic Cleanse is a 60 Day Tea Regime done daily to perhaps bring about efficiency of the Lymphatic System.