Showing 199–207 of 268 results

Cinnamon Orange Spice

From: $10.00
If you are looking for a great cinnamon black tea with orange - nice and spicy!

Belgian Chocolate

From: $10.00
Wonderful Hot Chocolate Tea,  Tastes like the best dessert in your cup!  Pairs well with a bit of Chocolate Almond Milk.

Ti Kuan Yin

From: $10.00
The Oolong Tea is from China’s Hilltops near many streams that run along the mountain!  It is plucked in the crisp air for super taste and then is semi-oxidized after harvesting to give the great rich Oolong taste this tea is known for!

Emperor’s Pride

From: $13.00
Emperor’s Pride green tea has large, wiry, fluffy, tender whole leaves and white buds.  Makes a very light cup of tea.

Dakota Sunrise

From: $10.00
This tea is a great choice if looking for something more floral over fruity!  The soft rose and raspberry pairs well with the tartness of the Lemon...a great choice!

Berry Surprise

From: $13.00
This is our best selling White tea...with a great strawberry and blueberry taste from the actual fruit pieces...great iced! and is always a great choice for the new tea person!

Sleep 2.0 ~ WIP

From: $17.00
This blend focuses on the central nervous system by calming and cooling the system.

Flower Garden

From: $18.00
Wonderful combo of your favorite flowers with rich Rose, Luscious Lavender and a hint of Jasmine.

Pure Leaf

From: $18.00
A great plain white tea with lots of body and flavor on its own!  This is also the base for our popular teas of White Peach and Kiwi Pear!