Showing 118–126 of 208 results

Menstrual Cramping Capsules

A great way to use our great Menstrual Cramping Tea - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

Mental Sharpness and Clarity

From: $14.00
Looking for a great tea to help keep you focused and on task...this is the we do not use caffeine to do it!

Mental Sharpness Capsules

Blender’s Notes Mental Sharpness Capsules: Steep Me Self Help Tea combinations are a great way to get health benefits outside

Milk In It Breastfeeding Tea

From: $12.00
A fantastic herbal blend with chai spices and the addition of fennel and fenugreek to help enhance milk production.  We have seen huge success rates with this blend.

Milk-In-It Capsules

A great way to use our great our Milk-In-It Blend - we have made them into capsules...less messy and easy to travel with!

Milky Way

From: $12.00
This is our best selling Puerh - the bit of Cacao and Chocolate bits really adds to the richness of the tea making it a great Mocha option ~~~and add a bit of sweetener and chocolate milk of your choice for the ultimate chocolate latte!

Minty Berry Cooler

From: $15.00
Another great fruity white tea with lots of berries and a hint of spearmint.


From: $12.00
What a great replacement for your White Chocolate Mocha....just add a bit of Chocolate Almond Milk...perfect duplication!

Moroccan Mint

From: $11.00
A beautiful tight rolled gunpowder green tea with organic spearmint leaves....wonderful with chocolate milk.