Showing 37–72 of 122 results

Dirty Detox

From: $16.00
This is a great combo for an emergency tummy tea...the addition of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are very quick at helping you feel better!


From: $14.00
This is our most popular blend to help with the occasional digestive concerns that a person can experience.  This is a great option to drink daily - completely safe!

Eczema – Psoriasis

From: $14.00
This combination of herbs helps the body with Eczema - Psoriasis - is an inflammatory skin condition that causes itchiness, dry skin, rashes, scaly patches, blisters, and skin infections. Itchy skin is the most common symptom of Eczema - Psoriasis. The herbs will also help maintain healthy and hydrated skin.


From: $20.00
The blend was built specifically to help built to help with increased and trapped swelling of the body – especially hands, feet, calves, and ankles.

Environmental Immunity

From: $18.00
Great blend for helping suppress your appetite and losing a bit of weight.

Eye Health – WIP

From: $15.00
The blend was built to help maintain and improve eye health including glaucoma, cataracts and pressure balancing.

Feelin’ Good

From: $15.00
Great combo to boost energy all day while getting great recovery herbs for athletic performance or high stress days.

Fertility Health – Woman

From: $20.00
Great start to get a healthy reproductive system.  See our other Fertility options!

Fungal Infection ~ Mold Toxicity – WIP

From: $14.00
The blend was built to help with both mold toxicity exposure and fungal infections.

Gout – WIP

From: $19.00
The blend was built to help the body filter out the toxins from Gout and help with pain management and reduce Uric Acid.

Grave’s ~ Hyperthyroidism – WIP

This blend was built to help with Grave's Disease (hyperthyroidism) which will help with the overproduction of the thyroid hormone.  

Hangover Helper

From: $15.00
This combo of our great health and wellness teas helps with all aspects of a hangover or hangover symptoms.  Headache, Tummy Aches, Fatigue and Detox!

Happy Belly

From: $13.00
This is a great tea if you need to get going....this stimulant based blend will get the "poo" to "GO"!

Hashimoto – WIP

From: $17.00
The blend was built to help balance your thyroid from the inflammation and reduction in hormones it is producing.

Headache Kicker

From: $17.00
Looking for a great alternative for the occasional headache or migraine - having a warm tea can sometimes make the difference.  The herbs in this blend can help with some of the symptoms.

Heart Health

From: $12.00
This is a great way to keep your heart in shape - with our daily drink Heart Health tea...full of great herbs to help with cholesterol and circulation that can be associated with reduced heart health!

Heartburn Helper

From: $12.00
This is a great option if you suffer from occasional heartburn.  Great tasting tea that can help to sooth any heartburn you may feel.

High Blood Pressure

From: $15.00
A great caffeine free blend of wild crafted herbs of Hibiscus and and Hawthorne that help keep your pressures low.  Great tea before bed.

Hitch – Woman’s Tea

From: $16.00
A great overall women's health tea - use on a daily basis to maintain health benefits.  Not meant for women below the age of 30.  This women's tea is a great hormone balancing tea with great response from the users on reduced inflammation and reduced anxiety.  A great sweet taste...give it a try today!

Hormone Balance

From: $15.00
This combination of caffeine-free herbs helps with all the body's hormones. Hormones regulate everything in your body, including metabolism, hunger, sleep, growth and development, fertility, libido, sexual health, and mood.

Hot Flash

From: $15.00
A great combo of herbs to help take the edge off hot flashes that can be a part of age and hormone imbalance.

Hypothalamus ~ Endocrine Support – WIP

From: $46.00
Hypothalamus and Endocrine Support - WIP was built to help support your Hypothalamus and the rest of the Endocrine System to provide balance in the body.


From: $14.00
Great blend of teas and herbs to help combat the symptoms of a slow thyroid.

Insomnia Helper Tea

From: $16.00
This is our strongest option for a sleep aid to help you get better sleep!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

From: $15.00
Looking for a great help to your Irritable Bowel Syndrome to slow down your going...this is a great blend that has been with us since 2008 to help with all your IBS concerns.

JavaJavyJolt – Mushroom Brew

From: $17.00
Great instant coffee without any fillers or chemicals!

Kick Ur Kold Cold and Flu Relief

From: $15.00
Looking to get rid of the CRUD.....the Kick Ur Kold is the best way to get rid of it!  Safe for little for for breastfeeding!

Kick’in Cholesterol

From: $14.00
A great way to enjoy a heart healthy tea and lower your cholesterol!    

Kidney Bladder

From: $15.00
Great blend help the kidney and bladder work efficiently!


From: $14.00
This blend can really help stop those sugar and salt cravings...helping your dietary lifestyle.

Liver Balance ~ Fatty Liver

From: $13.00
This blend can help the body shed the extra enzymes that the liver has produced due to damage or disease from fatty liver disease, hepatitis, drug and alcohol, metabolic syndrome, or cirrhosis.

Lyme Disease – WIP

From: $15.00
This blend is meant to help with side effects that can be common with a diagnosis of Lyme Disease and removal of the bacterial causing issues.

Lymphatic Cleanse

Our Lymphatic Cleanse is a 60 Day Tea Regime done daily to perhaps bring about efficiency of the Lymphatic System.

M-PAK Mushroom Blend

The Steep Me M-Pak is a great combo of Mushrooms, long valued for their medicinal properties, are being explored as tools to boost immunity and fight viruses with their antiviral nature.

Matcha Infused Coffee

From: $9.00
This blend came about we wanted another way for people to enjoy the health benefits and qualities that Matcha provides! 

Menstrual Cramping

From: $17.00
This is a great alternative to OTC for heavy period cramping.  No caffeine!