Showing 154–162 of 243 results

Mixed Fruit

From: $10.00
A great black tea with rich fruitiness and it is our most popular blend all year.


From: $12.00
What a great replacement for your White Chocolate Mocha....just add a bit of Chocolate Almond Milk...perfect duplication!

Monk’s Blend

From: $11.00
Great blend of teas from India plus an added tang of a Black tea from China!  Great flavor combo!

Mood Balance ~ Pauly Putz ~ Glarin Karin~ Micro-Nutrition

With this blend we are providing a healthy and potent blend of minerals and vitamins for balancing your mood!

Moroccan Mint

From: $11.00
A beautiful tight rolled gunpowder green tea with organic spearmint leaves....wonderful with chocolate milk.

Muffin Mix

From: $12.00
A great and flavorful combination of Blueberries and Black tea...really tastes like a muffin!

Muscle Recovery

From: $18.00
Great option for help your sore and tired muscles recover!

Muscle Recovery ~ Elasticity ~ Micro-Nutrition

A great way to help speed up your recovery and get you back in the game ASAP!

Mystic Star

From: $20.00
A great rhubarb blend with a hint of strawberry and a nice oolong!!