Showing 10–16 of 16 results

Matcha Gyokuro Ceremony Grade

From: $16.00
The finest of Ceremony Grade Matcha with slow stone ground Gyokuro Leaves...superb!

Chai 2 Mocha U

From: $12.00
This is a great combination of our favorite flavors in chai...we added our Extra Spicy Chai to our in house blended Steep Me Mocha...what do you get...OMG in a cup...just add your own Chocolate Almond Milk and goodness...Fall in a cup....

Heartburn Helper

From: $12.00
This is a great option if you suffer from occasional heartburn.  Great tasting tea that can help to sooth any heartburn you may feel.

Milk In It Breastfeeding Tea

From: $12.00
A fantastic herbal blend with chai spices and the addition of fennel and fenugreek to help enhance milk production.  We have seen huge success rates with this blend.

Vitali”TEA” Inflammation Tea

From: $15.00
A great stir in for inflammation, clarity, pain, energy, arthritis, memory, swelling, nausea and digestion.

Thai Tea

From: $12.00
This is a great combination of herbs and black tea to make the perfect Thai Tea...just add your own milk, sweetener and Sweetened Condensed Milk - perfect Thai Tea!

Spicy Spicy Chai

From: $14.00
This is our best selling chai....full of great flavor and easy to make.  Just add your favorite milk and sweetener.  Amazing!