Showing 253–288 of 298 results

Red, White and Blue

From: $17.00
This has been one of our best teas and it's always fun to celebrate something that represents the USA!  This tea is very light and refreshing and makes great iced tea.  Nothing like a little Red, White and Blue!

Anxiety Tea

From: $17.00
Our Anxiety Blend is a great options for people already using an Antidepressant.  This works well with that medication plus it really helps with the brain fog and lack of energy that can be a common side effect.  This will help get the focus and productivity back.

Menstrual Cramping

From: $17.00
This is a great alternative to OTC for heavy period cramping.  No caffeine!

Prostate Health Tea

From: $17.00
This a great way to get so many prostate health herbs in one tea...tastes great.


From: $17.00
Want an awesome caffeine kick - like a 10 hour energy!  Try the AAA ...Yum!

Hashimoto – WIP

From: $17.00
The blend was built to help balance your thyroid from the inflammation and reduction in hormones it is producing.

Respiratory Mucus

From: $17.00
Great way to get that stuff out of your lungs!

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD – WIP

From: $17.00
The blend was built to help with chronic bronchitis and emphysema which are a part of the COPD family of concerns.  This blend may help with the symptoms that come with this diagnosis such as cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness and excess mucus.

JavaJavyJolt – Mushroom Brew

From: $17.00
Great instant coffee without any fillers or chemicals!

ChiKava – Mushroom Brew

From: $17.00
Great instant coffee without any fillers or chemicals and Caffeine Free!

Sleep 2.0 ~ WIP

From: $17.00
This blend focuses on the central nervous system by calming and cooling the system.

Freeze-Dried Mango

Freeze-Dried Mango is a great way to enjoy a wonderful snack or add it to your favorite tea!

Freeze-Dried Autumn Apples

Freeze-Dried Autumn Apples is a great way to enjoy a wonderful snack or add it to your favorite tea!

Freeze-Dried Bananas

Freeze-Dried Autumn Bananas is a great way to enjoy a wonderful snack or add it to your favorite tea!

Formosa Green Dragon

From: $18.00
Taiwanese Oolong Tea with deep notes of Raisin and Ripe Fruit.

Muscle Recovery

From: $18.00
Great option for help your sore and tired muscles recover!


From: $18.00
Looking for a great green tea that helps with great brain health and function!  Great for protection and early onset of Alzheimer's.

Environmental Immunity

From: $18.00
Great blend for helping suppress your appetite and losing a bit of weight.

Alcohol – Drug Detox WIP

From: $18.00
The blend was built to help the body detox Alcohol and Drug use and the symptoms that can occur thru detox.

Pure Leaf

From: $18.00
A great plain white tea with lots of body and flavor on its own!  This is also the base for our popular teas of White Peach and Kiwi Pear!

Flower Garden

From: $18.00
Wonderful combo of your favorite flowers with rich Rose, Luscious Lavender and a hint of Jasmine.

Matcha Infused – Strawberry

From: $18.00
The finest of Ceremony Grade and Culinary Grade Matcha with slow stone ground Gyokuro Leaves...superb!  We enhanced the great taste with our Freeze-Dried Fruits giving it a subtle flavor change!  Enjoy.

Neuromuscular Health – Muscle Spasms

From: $18.00
The Neuromuscular Health and Muscle Spasm tea was built to help the skeletal muscles and peripheral nerves that control the voluntary movement of the body to calm and relax. The blend will help ease the tightness that can occur while decreasing inflammation and can help manage the weakness, rigidity and loss of function of these muscles.

Autonomic Nervous System ~ WIP

From: $18.00
This blend is meant to help with the healing of the Autonomic Nervous System (NAS).  The autonomic nervous system is a complex network of cells that controls the body’s internal state. It regulates and supports many different processes, often outside of a person’s conscious awareness. The nervous system is a collection of cells that send and receive electrical and chemical signals throughout the body.

Freeze-Dried Peach

Freeze-Dried Peach is a great way to enjoy a wonderful snack or add it to your favorite tea!

Freeze-Dried Autumn Bananas

Freeze-Dried Autumn Bananas is a great way to enjoy a wonderful snack or add it to your favorite tea!


From: $19.00
This is a great blend of herbs to help reduce the stress that is happening in your life.  Meant to calm the mind and has a natural antidepressant.  This combination of herbs can help solve the symptoms associated with high stress and agitation.

Gout – WIP

From: $19.00
The blend was built to help the body filter out the toxins from Gout and help with pain management and reduce Uric Acid.

Freeze-Dried Kiddie Trail Mix

Freeze-Dried Mango is a great way to enjoy a wonderful snack or add it to your favorite tea!

Adrenal Insufficiency ~ Fatigue

From: $20.00
This is a great self-help tea for Adrenal Insufficiency and Fatigue...these hand-crafted herbs combine to allow your adrenal system to restore and repair for better recovery and reduced stress.

Fertility Health – Woman

From: $20.00
Great start to get a healthy reproductive system.  See our other Fertility options!

Sencha Green Tea – Japanese Sencha Fukuiju

From: $20.00
Japanese Sencha is a great dark cup of tea from Japan.  A great choice for someone wanting to experience true green tea taste and the earthiness from the leaves.


From: $20.00
The blend was built specifically to help built to help with increased and trapped swelling of the body – especially hands, feet, calves, and ankles.

Mystic Star

From: $20.00
A great rhubarb blend with a hint of strawberry and a nice oolong!!

Jasmine Pearl

From: $21.00
The purest of traditional Jasmine Green Tea - Tender Green Tea Leaves hand rolled and scented with Spring Jasmine Blossoms.

Steep Me Pickle Based RTD Blends Sampler

This is an amazing little pickle juice powerhouse.  Use it for your muscle cramps.....delayed onset muscle soreness and sour tummies.  Instant satisfaction!  (headaches and menstrual cramps have also been helped)